Ultimate Suite proporciona un editor de imágenes para aplicaciones PowerBuilder con las siguientes características :
Place u_cst_imageeditor from advguicontrols.pbl\pbd on your window. The zip folder that contains your PBD's\PBL's also contain a list of images needed in the image editor control. Copy all the imageeditor_*.png images to your application source folder and add to your application PBR. You can specify your own images by overriding the following properties: RotateLeftImage = "imageeditor_rotateleft.png" RotateRightImage = "imageeditor_rotateright.png" FlipHorizontalImage = "imageeditor_fliphorizontal.png" FlipVerticalImage = "imageeditor_flipvertical.png" CropImage = "imageeditor_crop.png" SaveImage = "imageeditor_save.png" SaveAsImage = "imageeditor_saveas.png" LoadFromFileImage = "imageeditor_openfile.png" PasteFromClipboardImage = "imageeditor_pastefromclipboard.png" AcceptImage = "imageeditor_cropaccept.png" CancelImage = "imageeditor_cropcancel.png" UndoImage = "imageeditor_undo.png" RedoImage = "imageeditor_redo.png" EffectsImage = "imageeditor_effects.png" GreyScaleImage = "imageeditor_greyscale.png" InvertColorsImage = "imageeditor_negative.png" SepiaImage = "imageeditor_sepia.png" BrightnessImage = "imageeditor_brightness.png" BlackAndWhiteImage = "imageeditor_blackandwhite.png" ContrastImage = "imageeditor_contrast.png" ZoomInImage = "imageeditor_zoomin.png" ZoomOutImage = "imageeditor_zoomout.png"