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Set the windows theme color.


of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, integer ai_size)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, string as_description, integer ai_size)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, long al_color, integer ai_size)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, string as_description, long al_color, integer ai_size)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, long al_color, integer ai_size, alignment ae_alignment)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, long al_color, integer ai_size, string as_alignment)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, string as_description, long al_color, integer ai_size, alignment ae_alignment)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, string as_description, long al_color, integer ai_size, string as_alignment)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, integer ai_size, alignment ae_alignment)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, string as_description, integer ai_size, alignment ae_alignment)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, alignment ae_alignment)
of_addtile (string as_title, string as_image, string as_description, alignment ae_alignment)




The text that will display in the tile. Also used passed to the tileclicked event when tile is clicked.


The file name of the image to display in the tile. For best results, use a 48x48 transparent png.

ai_size (optional)

The size of the tile. Use constants SMALL or LARGE.

al_color (optional)

RGB value of the color used to set the tiles color.

as_describption (optional)

A description that displays when the user hovers the mouse over the tile.

ae_alignment (optional)

Text alignment for the text in the tile.

Return Value:

Returns the index number of the tile that was just added.


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