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Occurs when an image is saved.


savecomplete(string a_filename, integer a_return)




The full path and file name of the saved image.


The status code returned after saving the file. See list below.

Return Value:

No return value.


This event will trigger after a file is saved. An a_return value of 0 indicates that the save was successful. Other codes are as follows:

Ok = 0
GenericError = 1
InvalidParameter = 2
OutOfMemory = 3
ObjectBusy = 4
InsufficientBuffer = 5
NotImplemented = 6
Win32Error = 7
WrongState = 8
Aborted = 9
FileNotFound = 10
ValueOverflow = 11
AccessDenied = 12
UnknownImageFormat = 13
FontFamilyNotFound = 14
FontStyleNotFound = 15
NotTrueTypeFont = 16
UnsupportedGdiplusVersion = 17
GdiplusNotInitialized = 18
PropertyNotFound = 19
PropertyNotSupported = 20
ProfileNotFound = 21

The most common error code will be Win32Error. This is a general error that covers issues such as saving to a read-only file or saving to a file that's opened by another process.

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